V mojem starem klobuku  

Slovenska popevka 2014

Miha Renčelj
Producer: Grega Forjanič
Number of discs: 1

Miha Renčelj/Miha Renčelj/Lojze Kranjčan

Slovenska popevka 2014

Recorded in Studio 14 on RTV Slovenija.


Original lyrics

 V mojem starem klobuku  

V svojem starem klobuku
vidim svet nedotaknjenih podob,
v svojem starem klobuku
slišim zven nezapisanih besed.   

Spomini na čudeže 
iz časov, ko nisem poznal 
skrivnosti iz tihih gozdov.
 V mojem starem klobuku   
so poti do davnih sanj,
čaka te tam, da sežeš vanj.

 V mojem starem klobuku  
je dežela zgodb iz tisočih noči,
v njem še komaj slišim uro,
ki nama odbila je nekoč.

Še vedno potujem daleč proč.
V svojem starem klobuku
najdem pramen las,
in po tebi zadiši,

V svojem starem klobuku
slišim glas,
ki mi nežno govori:
Zajemi vodo iz nemirnega jezera, 
zasadi mogočno drevo.

 V mojem starem klobuku  
je skrivnostni svet spoznanj,
čaka te tam, da sežeš vanj,
v mojem starem klobuku 
v mehkobi šepetanj –
čaka te tam, le sezi vanj.

English translation

In my old hat

In his old hat
I see a world of untouched images,
in his old hat
I hear the sound of unwritten words.

Memories of miracles
from times I didn’t know
secrets from silent forests.
In my old hat
are the paths to ancient dreams,
waiting for you there to reach into it.

In my old hat
is a land of stories from thousands of nights,
I can barely hear the clock in it,
which we once refused.

I still travel far away.
In his old hat
I find a lock of hair,
and you smell

In his old hat
I hear a voice
who speaks gently to me:
Capture water from a restless lake,
plant a mighty tree.

In my old hat
is a mysterious world of knowledge,
waiting for you there to reach it,
in my old hat
in the softness of whispers –
waiting for you there, just sit in it.



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