Keys II


Miha Renčelj: Keys II, ISO PILS
Keys II subtitled ISO PILS (Isolation Piano Impro Live Stream) is a second album from a series of 50 piano improvisations called “Keys”, on which I again selected four 15-minute piano improvisations, this time from the period of the first wave of isolation due to the coronavirus disease in Slovenia, when I broadcast live from Studio Metro Ljubljana via Facebook for almost two months, between March 14 and May 7, 2020.
I have encouraged my Facebook followers and listeners to engage in the creative process with title suggestions. After a while I have chose the title that I considered the most suitable for the piece.


I have chosen the following improvisations:


Is there a Wind on Moon? (13:17)
27th April 2020, title suggested by Ana Delin, listening from Ptuj, Slovenia
Flight of the Dragonfly (16:35)
7th May 2020, title suggested by Mojca Lavrič, listening from Postojna, Slovenia
The Birth of a Dolphin (14:18)
14th April 2020, title suggested by Sebastjan Kompare, listening from Mengeš, Slovenia
Into the Lap of Butterflies (17:16)
9th April 2020, title suggested by Fanika Križaj, listening from Strahinj, Slovenia


61-minute second album is released digitally. Mix and mastering were made by Sebastijan Duh. You can order an album leaflet at trgovina IKA in Ljubljana.
Just before the release of an album I asked the listeners who left their comments under the streaming videos, if they could describe their memories of that time and what my improvisations meant to them, when there were no live concerts and, in fact, no events. Only now, two and a half years later, do I actually see how much it meant to some. It is with pleasant satisfaction that I read these amazing statements full of gratitude!
I would like to thank all the participants who have enriched and ennobled my works with their spontaneous thoughts, bravely expressed on social networks. Without you, such a project would not make sense. I would especially like to thank Janez Križaj, who encouraged me to 'move' for two months to Studio Metro and Iztok Černe, its owner, who generously let me use it during the pandemic. Listener testimonials are collected below.




The world stopped in agonizing silence, but artists and musicians began to make emotional connections with people. Not only Miha's playing was performed live, it was also improvised music created in the moment. He transmitted the feelings that gave rise to emotions, images of nature, peace and tranquility to the listeners while he was living them. In the immaterial world, his music gave us wings to fly across borders and share emotions and images with other listeners.
Mihove improvizacije so bile srečanje s sanjami.
Valentina Gambar




I started following concerts on social networks and saw piano improvisations among them, which invited me to listen. They reminded me of the movie August Rush and I began to follow the frequencies of sound and rhythm. I was once again experiencing music, not just listening to it. Endless pleasure that took you to dimensions where you reconnected with yourself and knew everything was going to be okay. It vibrated with love, which I often share and spread among the youngest, whom I have been raising for many years, and who travel to the world of piano improvisations with Miha's music during the rest, just like I did during the epidemic. The period of the epidemic strongly marked us, but I can say that Mih's piano improvisations marked us even more.
Hvala Miha.
Petra Koritnik




During the epidemic, we were gripped by a convulsion. Both mental and emotional. The fight against an invisible enemy soon became a real little civil war. Some have lost their love for their fellow man, some their humanity, some their loved ones. And what is more human and sensitive than music that originates from us? When we didn't have the opportunity to listen to live music for a while, our ingenuity saved us - concerts on social networks. Mih's music was for me during this period something that eased the spasm we found ourselves in, something that spoke to us of what makes us human and fills us with beauty. Therefore, I can say without irony that doctors could prescribe it.
Lev Honsić




Every evening, like a child in a bedtime story, I looked forward to minutes of magical chords from under Miho's fingers. During the time of isolation, this was our daily dose of culture. With his music, he lifted us from the uncertain gray everyday life into the rainbow world of imagination and connected us and filled us with a sense of belonging and social inclusion. That's what we were all most hungry for in those days.
Maestro, thanks for the indulgence!
Vesna Kralj




In times of uncertainty and chaos, we lose control over the management of our own lives and our understanding of mutual interdependence is shattered. Thinking about the world through the prism of the individual naturally gives way to thinking through the prism of the collective. The situation urges us to different ways of thinking and acting, but we do not yet have an established modus operandi for "switching". When, due to the epidemiological situation, there was a kind of freezing of responses and fleeing to any way out of the situation at the individual level, Mih's project of collective keys was able to channel a kind of partnership of experience that nurtures and reaps the unique contributions of each member of a community to the whole. The listeners realized that together they are part of something bigger, which has value in itself and is at the same time the primary tangible mode for finding a way out of uncertainty. I participated in the very design of this project, which, even with its name, even in "normal times", was intended as an innovation offered to the listeners and the author for the collective co-creation of emotions and music, which are in a constant intertwining. The way to awaken the dormant potentials of the collective consciousness.
Activism through the sincerity of art!
Meta Kokalj




The very idea of interactive improvisation on the piano and online communication of listeners during the performance itself, which can instantly affect the flow of the piece itself, is a challenge for both - performers and listeners. With the awareness of the connection, which is also present during a classical concert performance somewhere in the hall, there is the realization that we are entering the very process of the composition, which will also be constantly built from word associations - a kind of spring with a limitless inflow of energy. This gave an additional dimension to the composition that was being created, and at the end of it, the performer himself was in a way speechless. Just like us listeners. He stood before the fact that in an inimitable way - once and only in the universe he created something that fulfills to the end and surprises you in front of himself. Just like a painter who without a plan sits down in front of an empty white canvas and silently observes an abstract composition that is created in semi-conscious ecstasy and brings from some parallel world of infinite possibilities a touch of pure beauty and harmony.
Janez Jarc




As a poet, the work of Miha Renčlje is particularly close to me. I appreciate creativity, improvisation in music is also close to me. But this is intended for gourmets, both in music and poetry. We are close.
Ivo Frbežar




When we suddenly found ourselves closed behind the walls of our homes and our free movement was restricted and forbidden, Miho's musical improvisations were like a band-aid and had a healing effect on many of us. The original idea of livestreaming "live" music was something very special, beautiful and unrepeatable, and above all, a selfless gesture to the wider community,
that we will not forget.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Miha!
Ana Delin




Every evening a little before 8:30 p.m., I went to Miha Renčlje's "pharmacy" on his FB profile for ISO PILS - isolation piano impro live stream. I turned off the light, lay down on the floor, closed my eyes and absorbed the M2020R. While listening to extremely sensual piano melodies from under the pianist's magical fingers, I created my own stories. Every day again. And again. And again. Until May 7, when it was the last person's turn - 50. I also gave the title to Kaki and wrote a few words on Miha's wall next to the recording. His melodies, sent to him from the Universe, took me to incredible worlds beyond earthly dimensions.
Taja Užnik




This music had an incredible magical effect on me at a time when, due to the coronavirus, there were restrictions everywhere, no concerts, and there was an anxious feeling in the air. I couldn't wait to join the flow of relaxed improvisation. A new way, an invitation to the game of associations, a different approach, which encouraged active participation in the sound event, spontaneously recalled already forgotten dream images and landscapes that lined up one after the other on the wings of imagination.
An oasis for the soul during the pandemic!
Vojko Hren




I encountered Miho's music in March 2020, when he shared a series of piano performances with his audience on Facebook as part of ISO PILS. In that uncertain time, I realized that we are by no means immune to top music. Many of us were not geographically close to each other, but each of Miho's chords connected us with something extremely beautiful, mystical and unusual, and especially calming. As any writer leads the reader to interpret the work, this artist also awakened the imagination and consciousness of his followers through associations. It's just another sign that a top artist and his music finds its way to listeners and leaves a mark over time.
Marijana Tomašević




We chase away the evil spirit with humor, says Martin Golob. With music, at a time when COVID drove us behind the closed doors of our homes, we chased away loneliness. The musician Miha Renčelj took us every evening into a wonderful world of sound trance. The beauty of the evening improvisations on the piano somehow connected people, carried a message about the truth, and Miha was its messenger every evening. The good thing about music that hits you is that you don't feel the pain, it gives wings to the mind,
flight of imagination and charm and joy of life.
Helena Sever




Miha je ustvarjal čudovite melodije, polne frekvence Zavedanja. S temi melodijami v ozadju bi lahko predvajali vse grozote vojn sveta in bi vse izgledalo kot nek izpet film, ki se rola in rola vedno znova kot neskončno kolesje človeško vzpostavljenega sistema. Prav tako bi lahko predvajali strahove in reakcije prodanih umov in teles, ki so podlegli propagandi in se krčijo v agoniji strahu, jeze in sovraštva. Melodije so sporočale da je vse in da bo vse dobro.
Saša Medved




Takrat sem ob Mihovi glasbi veliko pisal in s tem nekako upodabljal dojemanje njegovih not v času, ki sem ga doživljal in je puščal svoje sledi, ki so se strnile v skupnih večerih.
Primož Trček




Ko sem v času izolacije leta 2020 prvič slišala pianista Miha Renčlja, mi je bilo takoj jasno, da poslušam izjemno nadarjenega glasbenika. Njegovo čutno igranje improvizacij me je pritegnilo k spremljanju čarobnih melodij, ki nam jih je ponudil vsak večer znova. Tako zelo prizemljen, pa vendar povezan z vsem, kar ni od tukaj, nam je v tistih dneh z vsem svojim bitjem zaigral iz globin duše in ganil mnoge. V času polnem številnih preizkušenj in izzivov smo potrebovali prav to: dotik nežnosti, glasbo, ki predrami in zdravi.
Fanika Križaj




Že Nietzche je rekel: “ Without music, life would be a mistake.” Še bolj smo se tega lahko zavedali v času, ko nismo mogli obiskovati koncertov in drugih umetniških prireditev. K sreči nas je Miha Renčelj razveseljeval s svojimi online koncerti, s čudovito klavirsko glasbo in nam tako požrtvovalno krajšal otožne dni.
Hvala, Miha!
Sofija Vukelj




Bili so za nas takrat novi časi, ki so se podaljševali po stevilčnem traku leta. Iskali smo rešitve zase, zato so nam glasbene nevihte prišle še kako prav, da smo lažje spreminjali navade,
ki smo jih poznali od prej.
Natasa Lužar




V času Mihovih improvizacij je bil lockdown tudi v Srbiji in moja punca je bivala v drugem mestu. Vsak večer sva si kupila pokovko in sok in poslušala lepe melodije. Še danes sva skupaj in še vedno se spominjava tistih večerov z nasmehom! Hvala Miha!
Saša Pavičević




Spominjam se, da sem takrat, ko sem poslušala Mihine improvizacije, zelo težko ubesedila svoja doživljanja. Zdelo se mi je, da bi vsak moj občutek, ukalupljen v besede vse pokvaril. Njegova glasba, ki je (bila) čarobna, me je pomirjala, kot bi bila glas iz vesolja, ki mi je nežno sporočal: “vse je ok, vse je tako kot morabiti, sprejmi, dihaj, bodi tukaj in zdaj, uživaj, še veliko lepega je na tem svetu.”
Maja Mustedanagić




Skozi obdobje lockdowna, ko smo bili prisiljeni živeti bolj umirjeno in statično, nas je njegova glasba preko sanjarjenja popeljala v prebujanje upanja. Bila je doživeta, melodična in čustvena. V njej je tlela sla po življenju, pa čeprav onkraj trenutno dosegljivega.
Alenka Bašković




Miha je s svojim kvalitetnim glasbenim programom tistemu času dodal svojo noto in nam večkrat dokazal, da se z vztrajno voljo zmore prav vse.
Mateja Krajnik




Lahko bi rekla, da je Miha s svojo glasbo v naše domove prinašal mir, sprostitev in veselje v tistem zoprnem času, ko smo bili zaprti.
Lijana Dejak




Mihova glasba nam je prebujala prelepe občutke v tistem zmešanem času in nas ponesla nekam, kjer je mir in spokoj in problemi so za nekaj časa izginili. A le do zadnje note – nato pa nas je spet čakalo prebujanje v realnost tistega čudnega in nerazumljivega obdobja. Hvala Bogu da nam pošlje take ljudi na našo zemljico.
Nataša Kozlan




Čudovit zvok klavirja, ki me je ponesel v čustveni svet. Vsak ton me je spomnil na eno od čustev, ki sem ga čutila v določeni situaciji. Vedno me je nekako pomirilo ter opomnilo, da moram biti hvaležna za to kar mi življenje da. Za vse preiskuse, za padce in tudi veselja, ljubezni! Vse to me dela močnejšo!!
Maja Feher




Ko smo v času lockdowna bili z vseh strani obdani z negativnimi informacijami, so bile večerne improvizacije Mihe Renčlja glasba sproščujoče vedrine in svežine, ki je odnašala vse nakopičene negativne dnevne vsebine. Sprostitev za glavo, dušo in telo in kot bi z zvokom sporočal: “Kreativnosti se ne da zapreti, niti omejevati, saj je kot voda, ki zmeraj najde svojo pot in izhod.” Sem prepričana, da vsi, ki smo v tistem času spremljali njegove mojstrske klavirske improvizacije, ta del pogrešamo. Zato z veseljem pozdravljam odločitev o izdaji albuma.
Irena Rojs




V času, ko nismo smeli nikamor, so nas Mihove improvizacije odnašale na druge planete. Bil je 100% odklop od tega sveta.
Barbara Volk




Pri poslušanju prejekta Keys, sploh v živo, me je zmeraj prevzel občutek miru in sproščenosti. Zato sem se temu primerno vnaprej tudi pripravil v meditativni položaj in jih nestrpno čakal vsak dan. Dandanes jih še vedno poslušam s CD-ja vedno, ko se želim sprostiti in predvsem umiriti od vsakodnevnega vrveža.
Kristjan Hlaj




Nenadna sprememba naših navad je bila popestrena z mirno glasbo veličastnega klavirja. V težkih časih nam majhne stvari kot je poslušanje glasbe dajejo velik pomen. Ob poslušanju smo pozabili na čas, stresne trenutke in si ustvarili nepozabne spomine.
Mateja Markelj




V času izolacije smo bili še bolj soočeni sami s seboj in našim nezavednim. V marsikom se je prebudilo marsikaj. Vsekakor je lepo videti, da so se pri Mihi razprostrla krila kreativnosti in ustvarjalnosti. Zelo lepo in navdihujoče. Želim mu Srečno še naprej.
Ingrid Veber




Čas kovida je bil predvsem čas psihološke vojne; prav v tem obdobju sem z največjim veseljem prisluhnila klavirskim improvizacijam Mihe Renčlja, ki je s svojimi nebeško lepimi glasbenimi motivi razsvetljeval moj notranji svet; Miha, hvala ti za prelepe trenutke glasbene izpovedi, ki naj bodo ovekovečeni na tvojem glasbenem albumu!
Darka Poljanec




Miha se v svojih improvizacijah nežno, a odločno sprehaja po občutjih časa in jih prevaja v presenetljivo globoko občutene glasbene misli samotne, prve karantene. Resnično; tipke so črno-bele in ustvarjalec iz-reden, a najbolj nas objame iskrenost, ustvarjalnost, simpatična zahtevnost njegovih občutenih in drznih kompozicij.
Andrej Koritnik




Vzpostavljanje stika s seboj in čista radost v občutenju ” vse bo redu”. Hvaležna za te trenutke.
Jeanine Žveglic




Svet se je ustavil, hodila sem čez mesto in nikjer ni bilo nikogar. Občutje je bilo tesnobno in strah je naraščal z vsakim dnevom v marcu. Bila sem sama, fant je obtičal v Bruslju in vedela sem, da ga vsaj še kak mesec ne bo nazaj. In ob vsej tej negotovosti sem za pol ure vsak dan odvrgla skrbi v tej glasbi. Doživljala sem jo kot meditacijo. Vsaka nota je imela svoj dih in izdih. Spet je bil mir, ki je prinesel upanje na boljše čase. Resnično mi je bilo lepo se umiriti vsaj malo, vsaj kdaj …
Irena Nose




Ko je človek zaprt, ga muzika lahko popelje na najbolj romantično potovanje.
Nataša Boltar




V času lockdowna sedim na kavču. Vsa potrta z občutkom zaprtosti v brezizhodno situacijo, kateri ne vidim konca. Čakam na Miho. Zagledam ga na ekranu. V tistih nekaj minutah igranja na klavir sem ponovno začutila svobodo. Hvala!
Anna Andolšek




Zaprta znotraj meja svoje občine, izolirana v svoj balonček, sama. Miha je poskrbel, da je bil ta nenavadni čas odtujenosti preprosto blažen. Ob nalaganju polen v kamin, prasketanju ognja, katerega soj je preseval skozi kozarec terana, je z glasbo napolnil moj prostor in srce. Vse omejitve so postale sladka sreča …
Mojca Lavrič




V času, ko je vse obstalo in se je zdelo, da je čas ugasnil, je zažarela Muzika. Bolj kot kadarkoli je trenutek tišine napolnila klavirska glasba. In tam sva se srečala. Ujeta v večnost.
Mojca Stegovec




Spominjam se, kako sem med lockdownom komaj čakala klavirske improvizacije Mihe Renčlja. Dajalo mi je občutek svobode, temačne misli so odletele in priletele pozitivne. Vsekakor spodbujam izdajo albuma.
Sophia Andolšek




To je glasba, ki pomiri duha, ki te navdahne k razmišljanju in ustvarjalnosti. Klavir mi je že od nekdaj eden lepših inštrumentov, ko pa nekdo tako z občutkom improvizira kot Miha, pa postane poslušanje glasbe zadovoljstvo. Zelo super tudi kot ambientalna glasba za ozadje.
Igor Cej




Ker sem se takrat počutila kot ptica v kletki, sem si vse skupaj lajšala s pobegi v nek imaginarni svet. Pri tem je bil njegov doprinos enormnega pomena. Brez njegove glasbe bi bila brez kril. Njegovo igranje je bil zagon za vzlet, obenem pa božajoča spremljevalka v deželi Nije.
Tamara Surina




Mihova glasba mi predstavlja veselje, da duha ljudi kljub vsemu ni mogoče utišati, zapreti, voditi za nos, držati za vrat in hkrati žalost ob dejstvu, da to nekateri kljub vsemu poizkušajo. Ne glede na vse, ostaja svobodni in vseprisotni duh in Miha ga razdaja skozi svoje prekrasne improvizacije. Hvala!
Peter Jeraj




Mihove improvizacije so mi pomagale odložiti del bremena tistega časa iz svojih pleč. Lažje sem dihala in se soočala z izzivi vsakega dne posebej.
Helena Sirotka




Poznate občutek, ko si tukaj pa nisi tu? Ko si v trenutku obsijan s trenutkom blaženega obstoja? No, temu rečem poslušanje …
Dejan Žuna




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